MORE than 8.000.000 AMERICAN INDIANS until 1900.TODAY ONLY 1.169.548 REMAIN.

FROM 35.000.000 LIVING from CANADA to the last LATIN NATION + CARIBBEAN ONLY 10.000.000 REMAIN.

450.000 Tonnes of Gold only from POTOZI MINES IN PERU sent to SPAIN WITH THE CATHOLICS HELP.
8.000.000 Indian slaves DIED in the POTOZI MINES!!

40.000.000 BUFFALO'S were killed between 1830-1885

Sunday, April 18, 2021


LOUIS  L ÁMOUR     -    BUCKSKIN  RUN   1981.

Land of the free...

In this unique collection of tales, Louis L'Amour captures the frontier experience as it lives forever in the American imagination.

A young woman heads west to marry, only to find her intended fiancé the subject of dark rumors....

Vowing to stay out of trouble, a young cowhand rides to get some calico for his girlfriend's new dress. But trouble finds him when he runs afoul of two men, one of whom is a vicious murderer....

A wily old sheriff comes to arrest the last surviving member of an infamous clan. Caught in a sudden and treacherous blizzard, they make the unlikeliest of partners in a desperate struggle for survival that teaches them the true meaning of courage, honor, friendship--and justice.

These are just some of the unforgettable characters whose adventures are collected in this magnificent volume.



The promise was gold, a lot of it, waiting in the Big Horn Mountains. The plan was to head out with a handpicked party and nothing but the best in wagons, stock, and goods. Matt Bardoul bought in because the girl he wanted was there. But the tall, rugged man in buckskin sensed there was something wrong even before someone tried to warn him off--and someone else tried to gun him down. Sure enough, as the wagon train journeys westward, a deadly plot unfolds. Now Bardoul is the only man standing between innocent people and a brutal conspiracy of greed, lust, and cold-blooded murder.

Saturday, April 10, 2021



It was just a godforsaken mountainside, but no place on earth was richer in silver. For a bustling, enterprising America, this was the great bonanza. The dreamers, the restless, the builders, the vultures–they were lured by the glittering promise of instant riches and survived the brutal hardships of a mining camp to raise a legendary boom town. But some sought more than wealth. Val Trevallion, a loner haunted by a violent past. Grita Redaway, a radiantly beautiful actress driven by an unfulfilled need. Two fiercely independent spirits, together they rose above the challenges of the Comstock to stake a bold claim on the future.



Tom Healy was in trouble. His theatrical troupe needed to get to Alder Gulch, Montana, and the weather was turning. Andy Barker promised Tom he could get them there safely, but Tom was reluctant to trust him: he had the lives of three actresses to consider, and his personal feelings for Janice further heightened his concern. Then King Mabry showed up. Although Tom didn’t like the way he looked at Janice, he could see that Mabry made Barker uneasy. So Tom invited Mabry to join them. Tom was right to be worried, because Barker had a plan. He knew that the wagons carried something more than actors and scenery. He and his men were going to steal it any way they could. And that included murder



He had led the posse for miles through the desert, but now Matt Keelock was growing desperate. He was worried about Kristina. His trip to the town of Freedom for supplies had ended in a shoot-out. If caught, he would hang. Even though Kris could handle a horse and rifle as well as most men, the possibility of Oskar Neerland's finding her made Matt's blood run cold. He knew that the violent and obsessive Neerland, publicly embarrassed when Matt had stepped in and stolen Kris away, would try to kill them both if given half a chance. Matt tried to convince himself that Neerland had returned to the East. But Matt was wrong. Miles away in the town of Freedom, Oskar Neerland was accepting a new job. In his first duty as marshal, he would lead the posse that was tracking down Matt Keelock.
A hanging party rules the badlands and a lone rider races for his life. Falsely accused of back-shooting a man as he stood sipping whiskey in a saloon, Matt Keelock takes on a posse of angry men with no more backup than his smoking Colt and a sure-footed horse. It's one against many--but there's a hundred twists to every trail as the posse suddenly finds the hunters have turned into the hunted.

Friday, April 9, 2021




On the edge of the frontier, boomtowns like Confusion sprang up overnight. Here honest men came to work the mines, while thieves, gamblers and outlaws worked on them. But in Confusion there was more at stake than law and order--the mines themselves were the target of a violent plot. Matt Coburn had cleaned up tough towns before, but he wanted no part of Confusion. Too many enemies knew he was there, too many lies had been told. Now there's only one way out of Confusion for Coburn--a path of honor that could cost him his life.

Friday, April 2, 2021




The Navajo called them the Anasazi: an enigmatic race of southwestern cliff dwellers. For centuries, the sudden disappearance of this proud and noble people has baffled historians. Summoned to a dark desert plateau by a desperate letter form an old friend, renowned investigator Mike Raglan is drawn into a world of mystery, violence, and explosive revaltion. Crossing the border beyond the laws of man and nature, he will learn the astonishing legacy of the Anasazi -- but not without a price. Set in the contemporary Southwest, The Haunted Mesa draws on Louis L'Amour's extensive knowledge of Indian lore and mysticism. In this extraordinary book L'Amour tells a tale of epic adventure that takes his readers across the most extraordinary frontier they have ever encountered.