MORE than 8.000.000 AMERICAN INDIANS until 1900.TODAY ONLY 1.169.548 REMAIN.

FROM 35.000.000 LIVING from CANADA to the last LATIN NATION + CARIBBEAN ONLY 10.000.000 REMAIN.

450.000 Tonnes of Gold only from POTOZI MINES IN PERU sent to SPAIN WITH THE CATHOLICS HELP.
8.000.000 Indian slaves DIED in the POTOZI MINES!!

40.000.000 BUFFALO'S were killed between 1830-1885

Friday, April 2, 2021




The Navajo called them the Anasazi: an enigmatic race of southwestern cliff dwellers. For centuries, the sudden disappearance of this proud and noble people has baffled historians. Summoned to a dark desert plateau by a desperate letter form an old friend, renowned investigator Mike Raglan is drawn into a world of mystery, violence, and explosive revaltion. Crossing the border beyond the laws of man and nature, he will learn the astonishing legacy of the Anasazi -- but not without a price. Set in the contemporary Southwest, The Haunted Mesa draws on Louis L'Amour's extensive knowledge of Indian lore and mysticism. In this extraordinary book L'Amour tells a tale of epic adventure that takes his readers across the most extraordinary frontier they have ever encountered.