MORE than 8.000.000 AMERICAN INDIANS until 1900.TODAY ONLY 1.169.548 REMAIN.

FROM 35.000.000 LIVING from CANADA to the last LATIN NATION + CARIBBEAN ONLY 10.000.000 REMAIN.

450.000 Tonnes of Gold only from POTOZI MINES IN PERU sent to SPAIN WITH THE CATHOLICS HELP.
8.000.000 Indian slaves DIED in the POTOZI MINES!!

40.000.000 BUFFALO'S were killed between 1830-1885

Friday, March 5, 2021


CHIEF  PONTIAC - Ottawa Chief.

Chief Pontiac, called Obwandiyag by his people, was a great leader of the Ottawa tribe and became famous for organizing Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763–1766). Following the British victory in the French and Indian War, Chief Pontiac organized his and other tribes in the Great Lakes area to rebel against the intrusion on their lands.

Chief Pontiac was assassinated by a Peoria Indian on April 20, 1769. To avenge Pontiac’s death, the Ottawa Indians killed many Peoria Indians.

Siege of Fort Detroit in 1763 by the Ottawa warriors. 

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